Civil Surgeon Feni Admit Card 2024 has been published today. The recruitment round was published by the Office of Civil Seven of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh on April 2, 2024. Memos No. 45.00.0000. Tang 9 January 2024 is notified accordingly. The circular is informed to fill the vacant posts in the income sector of various health foundations under the governor of the Office of the Civil Surgeon, Feni. The notification said that the permanent residents of Feni district can apply online subject to the following conditions. As per the schedule mentioned below, the application can be made through online against the posts belonging to 11th – 20th grade.
Candidates thorough information regarding application and eligibility, number of poles are discussed here. Those who are enduring residents of Feni district will whole their application process by looking at the following subjects.
Civil Surgeon Feni Admit Card 2024
Department name | Civil surgeon Feni |
Job details | Government type job |
Post number | 115 |
Application start date | 4 April 2024 |
Application end date | 28 April 2024 |
Admit card date | – |
Exam date | – |
All the details of the exam has been released for the all candidate. If any candidate did not find their information then they can read this article properly for getting it. Because all the details like the application to exam result has been provide here for the candidate. So it will be very helpful for the all CS Feni candidate. Also anyone did not know about the details of the circular. they can know about the details to read this info.
CS Feni job application apply system
This application will accept only the online process. The application of any other process will not be acceptable. Now we are going to discuss how to apply civil surgeon Feni application. Because the circular was published in few days ago. And the application is starting today. All the candidate of Feni Jila are waiting to know about the application details. For that we are going to discuss about the application of the department. To read this information everyone can get their details.
- Visit the official website of Feni cs
- click on it
- You will entered the official site on the homepage
- Now you have to click the apply option
- Now update your all information
- And upload your educational qualification
- Your photo and signature
- And click submit button
Then your application will be done. And you have to collect your application from on this page.there would be many information about yourself. And you will get here user id and password.
How to make payment for the application
After the application you have to payment for your post. Because your application will not be acceptable until the payment. You get the 72 hours after the application for your payment. So if you have been applied then make your payment in the time. Otherwise you have to apply again. So it is the most important to you.
First SMSÂ
- CSFENI<space>Uder ID and send 16222
- Reply SMS: applicant name…… Taka 223….. Will be charged as application fee. Your pin is ……………. To pay free type CS FENI<space>YES Pin And send 16222.
Second SMSÂ
CSFENI<space>YES<space>PIN and send now 16222
- Example:- CSFENI YES 24346576
- Reply SMS: congratulations applicant name payment complete successfully for CS Feni application for 24346576. User ID is (…….) and password(………..).
Civil surgeon Feni exam date and time
CS has not been publish the exam time yet. But when the authority will take a decision like the exam date and other information they will publish the notice. And they will inform the information by their website to publish the notice. So if you have been applied in this post and you wants to know about the exam date and time then you can visit the official website. Also you can visit our website. Because when they will published the notice we will upload it on our website. And it will help you to know about the details. So to know the other information you can read the forgetting your information and other detail.
CSÂ Feni health assistant admit card
The admit card check is not so difficult. It’s very easy process if you know these details. Many of applicant don’t know about the details. For that we always published the information on our website. If you are a candidate of the Feni health Assistant Exam. And you are finding the admit card in online then you have come to the right place. Because today we will discuss about the details of the Exam Admit Card. To read this information you can collected easily to stay with your home. So take a mobile phone/computer/laptop and go to this Chrome browser. And follow the below rules.
- At first go the Teletalk website of CS
- click on this
- Now you will reach the new page
- Click on the admit card option
- Provide now user ID from application
- And upload password
- And click on the submit button
After that you will get your admit card in front of you. And you have to take this card for your examination. And it’s the most important to print it with colour print.
Civil surgeon feni application rules
There are need some qualification to the application. If you not eligible to this qualification than you cannot applied. Today we will discuss about the details of the process. Just follow the instructions and collect your all details.
- No aspirant can apply by direct mail. It is famous that the candidates who have functional in light of the recruitment published as per the memo no. of the Department of Health and the recruitment circular published on 11th June 2018 do not need to apply again. Their submission will be considered acceptable if correct. And their age will be admissible as per the conditions of previous recruitment notification. They can participate in the said staffing test based on the currently issued recruitment circular Civil Surgeon Feni Admit Card 2024.
- Applicant age should be minimum 18 to 30 years as on 28 April 2024. However, the age of 32 years is relaxable for sons/daughters of brave freedom fighters.
- In case of health assistant post, the ward (old) for which you are applying should be an old perpetual occupant of that ward. Permanent inhabitants can apply for the same union.  However, if eligible candidates are not found from the residents of the individual ward, the candidates of the next ward will be nominated.
- The list of Health Assistant vacancies (Ward, Union, Upazila wise) will be available on the notice board and website of the office of the Civil Surgeon and the office of the Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer.